Invited speakers

Prof. Daniëlle VUGTS

Amsterdam University Medical Center


Prof. Danielle Vugts has strong research interests in immuno-PET as well as the development of radiolabelling methods for fluorine-18, carbon-11 and zirconium-89 and application of these new techniques in the synthesis of PET tracer for oncology and neurology. Furthermore, she is head of production for clinical immuno-PET studies and has developed more than 25 antibody conjugates for clinical use in collaboration with several pharmaceutical companies.


Prof. Sylvestre BONNET

Leiden University


Prof. Sylvestre Bonnet studies the (photo)chemistry of metal-based molecules in biological and biomimetic environment. By combining bioinorganic chemistry and photochemistry his group makes new light-activatable prodrugs for use as targeted anticancer agents with minimal side effects. Another part of the group studies how to assemble metal-based photosensitizers and catalysts to trap the sun energy into a solar fuel.

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